State Affiliate Awards
Congratulations to the many APT US&C members who are recognized for exemplary service and commitment by their state organizations. We are proud of your accomplishments! Please share your honors with us so that we can recognize you and your state organization for all of the work that is done for regional and local treasury professionals throughout the country.
Penny Robbins, 2023 WAMCAT of the Year  Penny was awarded this honor from the Wyoming Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. The WAMCAT of the Year is given annually to an individual who is outstanding in their performance and achievements and has made the most significant contribution to the objectives of WAMCAT and within their own community. Penny is the Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Mountain View, Wyoming.
Anthony Moggio, 2023 PRIME Award Anthony was awarded the 2023 Professional Recognition In Municipal Excellence (PRIME) from the MMTA. The PRIME recognizes individuals who have shown distinguished service in their professions, communities, and the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association. Anthony serves as the Treasurer/Finance Director of the City of Rochester, Michigan.
Erin Crawford, 2023 OMCTFOA Member of the Year Erin was awarded this honor from the Oklahoma Municipal Clerks, Treasurers Finance Officials Association, in recognition of her professional excellence and inspired involvement at multiple levels: locally, within the state and nationally. Erin is the Chief Financial Officer of the City of Enid, Oklahoma.

Pam Webb, Bath County, Treasurer of the Year, Virginia
Amy Ortega, City of Norfolk, Deputy Treasurer of the Year, Virginia